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Before installing our script, ensure that your server meets the following requirements:

  • Apache, nginx, or another compatible web server
  • PHP >= 8.1 or higher
  • MySQL Database server
  • PDO PHP extension
  • OpenSSL PHP extension
  • mbstring PHP extension
  • exif PHP extension
  • fileinfo PHP extension
  • xml PHP extension
  • Ctype PHP extension
  • JSON PHP extension
  • Tokenizer PHP extension
  • cURL PHP extension
  • zip PHP extension
  • iconv PHP extension
  • Ensure the mod_rewrite Apache module is enabled

PHP Configuration

Open your php configuration file php.ini and change the following settings.

memory_limit = 256M
max_execution_time = 300

If you are using cPanel, you can follow this article to change your PHP memory limit settings.


On this project, we're using the Laravel 10.x. Please go to Laravel documentation page for more information.


Install with our Installer UI

Watch the video tutorial to see how to install our script with the installer UI:

You can install our script with our installer UI by following these steps:

  • Create database and extract source codes into your web root directory.
  • Go to [] to start installation.
  • Step by step to set up your database connection, site information and administrator.
  • Login and set up your website on Welcome Board.


Watch the video tutorial to see how to install our script manually:

You can install our script manually by following these steps:

  • Upload all files into the root folder of your hosting (normally, it ispublic_html).

  • Create a database and import data from database.sql (it's located in source code).


  • Update your database credentials and APP_URL in .env.


  • Go to /admin to access to admin panel.

  • The default admin account is admin - 12345678.


Install in a sub-folder


Since our script is based on the Laravel framework, its root folder is /public. If you're installing it in a sub-folder, you'll need to access To remove /public from the URL, follow the steps in the provided video tutorial.


For Laravel developers looking to customize the source code in platform/core and platform/packages, delete the /vendor folder, and then run the composer install command to reinstall vendor packages.

Crafted with ❤️