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Install using Docker.

Docker installation for development only, do not use it on production environment.

  • Open .env file and change:

    • DB_HOST= to DB_HOST=mysql
    • DB_USERNAME= to DB_USERNAME=botble (or any username you want)
    • DB_PASSWORD= to DB_PASSWORD=botble (or any password you want)
  • Run docker compose pull to pull the latest images.

  • Run docker compose up -d to start the services.

  • Run docker compose exec -u www app composer install to install the dependencies (or update command).

  • Run docker compose exec -u www app php artisan migrate to create the database structure.

  • Run docker compose exec -u www app php artisan db:seed if you need our sample data.

  • Run docker compose exec -u www app php artisan cms:publish:assets to publish assets.

  • Open http://localhost to see the homepage (or http://localhost:{YOUR_PORT}).

  • Admin panel URL: http://localhost/admin

  • Default admin account:

    • If you use our sample data, the default admin account is admin with the password 12345678.
    • If not, run docker compose exec -u www app php artisan cms:user:create to create an admin user.
  • Run docker compose down to stop the services.

  • Some useful commands:

    • docker compose exec -u www app sh access to the container.
    • docker compose exec -u www app php <...> php command.
    • docker compose exec -u www app php artisan <...> artisan command.
    • docker compose exec -u www app composer <...> composer command.


If you have any issues with the docker compose command, try to use docker-compose instead. Somethings ports are already in use, you can change the port in the docker-compose.yml file or use environment variables to change the port (e.g: APP_PORT=8080).


Service is not running issue.

If you encounter the "service 'app' is not running" error, try to run docker compose down, then open file docker-compose.yml and change the service laravel.test to app in the services section and run docker compose up -d again.

Rebuild images

Run docker-compose down --volumes and then sail up --build to rebuild the images.

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